Garches (Paris) CIC-IT
About Us
Our objective is to develop new therapies for motor disability affecting children and adults. These therapies result in the development of technical support and medical devices designed to compensate for motor disability - particularly through pharmacologic approaches or biotherapies aimed at correcting motor disability for the spinal cord injured patient or the neuromuscular patient, among others.
Our pluridisciplinary team gathers varied medical specializations, as well as physiotherapists, engineers and physicists. The research project focuses on two main scientific orientations: motor disability and infectiology linked to neurological handicap.
These two scientific orientations divide into 5 specific areas:
1) Neuromuscular diseases.
2) Disability due to spinal cord injuries.
3) Disability due to brain injuries.
4) Pain management and prevention for motor disabled people.
5) Risks and infectious consequences of motor disability.
The CIC-IT rests on a state-of-the-art, complete technological platform, and a strong and dynamic partnership with the industry and associations. Within each area, problematics associated with innovative technologies and drugs or other assimilated products are dealt with. Translational research efforts particularly focus on the field of neuromuscular diseases.
Our Specializations
Disability and Communication
Disability and Mobility
Disability and Respiratory Deficiency
David ORLIKOWSKI (Medical Coordinator), Frédéric BARBOT (Scientific Coordinator) and Sandra POTTIER (Delegate Coordinator)
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Contact US
Hôpital Raymond POINCARE
104 Bd Raymond POINCARE
David ORLIKOWSKI : 01 47 10 77 77
Frédéric BARBOT : 01 47 10 44 77
Sandra POTTIER : 01 47 10 44 69
Fax (+33) 1 47 10 46 33
Website : Garches (Paris) CIC-IT
Horaires et accès
By car:
On "L'autoroute de l'Ouest" (A13), take Versailles Nord - Vaucresson exit, then head towards Vaucresson - Garches.
907 secondary road from "Pont de Saint-Cloud" via Saint-Cloud and Garches
By train:
Paris - Saint-Lazare, towards Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche
Stop at: Garches - Marnes-la-Coquette, then bus #360 or 460
By tram:
T2 line: La Défense / Issy-Val-de-Seine
Stop at: Parc de Saint-Cloud, then bus #460
By bus:
#460: Boulogne - Gambetta / Boulogne Pont de Saint-Cloud / Vaucresson Gare SNCF metro
#360: La Défense / Hôpital de Garches (terminal)
#26: Boulogne Pont-de-Sèvres / La Celle Saint-Cloud Gare SNCF metro - Stop at Hôpital de Garches