Actualités du CIC-IT de Grenoble

Presse, événements, publications...


A-S.S et S.B

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture

JA. Long, J. Tostain, C. Lanchon, S. Voros, M. Medici, J.L. Descotes, J. Troccaz, P. Cinquin, J.J. Rambeaud, and A. Moreau-Gaudry. First clinical experience in urologic surgery with a novel robotic lightweight laparoscope holder. J Endourol., 27(1):58:63, 2013.

J.A. Long, V. Arnoux, G. Fiard, R. Autorino, J.L. Descotes, J.J. Rambeaud, B. Boillot, N. Terrier, A. Arvin-Berod, and A. Moreau-Gaudry. External validation of the renal nephrometry score in renal tumours treated by partial nephrectomy. BJU Int., 111(2):233–9, 2013.

Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès international ou national

P. Durand, A. Moreau-Gaudry, J. Frandon, M. Medici, E. Chipon, C.Sengel, and I. Bricault. CTNAV: a prospective randomised clinicaltrial of a navigation system for computer assisted CT guided interventions". In: European Congress of Radiology. Vienne, Austria, Mar. 2013.